Gavrilovich Lomakin

Russia • 1858−1913

Biography and information

Born in St. Petersburg, in the family of the famous composer, conductor and vocal coach Gabriel Lomakin. The father took the son to become a painter, and V. G. Lomakin graduated from Gatchina Institute and the Petrovskaya agricultural and forest Academy. Until the end of his life he served in the Department of agriculture, however, remained committed to art. According to the memoirs of L. A., zholtkevych, "its sensitive to the whole soul Vladimir Gavrilovic deeply understood and liked all that brings to life the beauty, light and joy — loved music, painting, sculpture, poetry." Died at his estate of Kizil — Tash Yalta district.

Of the artistic heritage of V. G. Lomakin has preserved only a few pieces.

  • Artistic associations