Ivanovna Maeva

Russia • 1928−2007

Biography and information

Maev Alla (1928-2007)
Associate Professor
A member of the artists Union of the USSR artists Union of Russia.

Maev (nee held) Alla I. was born in Leningrad in 1928. From 1947 to 1952 he studied and graduated from the higher school of industrial art (formerly the Central school of technical drawing them. A. L. Stieglitz), Department of art ceramics. Thesis project with the approval of the SEC.
After graduation he worked in architecture, followed by 10 years by an artist at the Leningrad factory of art glass. Member SPBSKH (the Leningrad Union of artists) since 1963. Worked creatively in the field of art glass. The members of the Union (RSFSR), all-Union (USSR) and international art exhibitions.
In 1964, Alla was invited to the pedagogical work at the Department Professor Vladimir Fedorovich Markov.
Most of the reported personal exhibition of educational and creative activities were organized in the Museum of industrial art from 20 February 1989 to 20 March 1989.
From 1964 to 1994 he taught Composition and Composition in the material in different years I, II, III, and IV courses glass separation. Conducted diploma design. 1984-1990 supervised a total of 18 graduate students. Led summer internship with the students in different industries.
Alla was a regular curated group of art glass and has trained many fine artists.