Stepanovich Marmanov

Russia • born in 1940

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born on December 24, 1940, in Simferopol, the Crimean region.

After graduating from the Simferopol art school he entered the Crimean art College im. Samokish, painting and teaching faculty, which he graduated from in 1961. Since 1967, an active participant in regional, Republican and all-Union exhibitions. In 1971 became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

In 1967 painting "Generous autumn" at the Republican exhibition in Kiev was purchased by the Ministry of culture of the USSR and transferred to the Simferopol art Museum.

In 1969, the painting "In the garden" at the Republican exhibition in Kiev was purchased by the Ministry of culture of the USSR, Sevastopol art Museum.

In 1971, the participation in Republican exhibition "Young artists of Ukraine", the picture "Nameless" was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of culture of the USSR.

In 1971, the participation in Republican exhibition "Soviet Ukraine" Kyiv painting "Tractor" purchased by the art Fund of Ukraine.

In 1971, participation in the art exhibition "Young artists", Moscow VDNHA, painting "Untitled" awarded Bronze medal by the Ministry of culture of the USSR and purchased art Fund of the USSR.

In 1977, the participation in the Crimean regional and Republican art exhibition, Kyiv.

In 1979, the picture of the "Irrigators" (builders of the North – Crimean channel) on the Crimean regional and Republican art exhibition, Kyiv, purchased at the art Fund of Ukraine.

In 1984, the picture of "Time of ripe apples" on the Crimean regional and Republican art exhibition, Kiev was purchased by the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.

In 1990, the film "Under the southern sun" at the Crimean regional and Republican art exhibition, Kiev was purchased by the Ministry of culture of Ukraine.

Many of the paintings purchased by the Ministry of culture and art Fund of the USSR and are located in different museums and galleries in the CIS, the Museum of Russian art of the United States, as well as private and corporate collections Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, England, USA, France and Japan.