Came from a family fortress. the peasants of the Novgorod province. With the assistance of Prince S. F. Golitsyn in 1814 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of fine arts volnoprihodyaschim student. In 1817 he was liberated. In the Academy class-ist. studied painting at the Acad. A. Egorova. In 1818 was awarded a diploma of II degree for the title of art. 14 class. Lived and worked in St. Petersburg.
In 1828 filed a petition to send it to the Barnaul mining school "drawing teacher". 30 Mar 1829 came to the service. Teaching activities combined with creativity. In 1833, on the academic exhibition in St. Petersburg, exhibited his painting on the story of the life of Kumandins called "scene of the family life of the Buryats", now held in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. For this work, the soft has been awarded the title of academician of historical and portrait painting (1835).
Creative heritage of the painter is vast and diverse. Having lived in Barnaul more than 20 years, he has written icons for the iconostasis of the Church. Dimitry of Rostov, 150 portraits, including a doctor, issl. Altai F. V. Gebler (stored in Altaiskom state Museum). Fate works Myagkova changed dramatically: since 1917, the iconostases were destroyed, portraits have been in the families of customers, and almost inaccessible to researchers. He died in St. Petersburg.
(author - T. M. Stepanskaya)