Nahapetyan Koryun G. (March 16, 1926(19260316), Leninakan — July 25, 1999, Moscow) — an active participant and leader of the movement of nonconformist artists, painter, graphic artist, type designer, Illustrator of books and magazines, the artist — designer, sociologist, philosopher, publicist and public figure.
Member of the International Federation of Artists UNESCO, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. His works are in museums, galleries and private collections of many countries of the world.
Nahapetyan was born in the family of peasant and working of a railway worker in the village of Hatsik beneath Leninakan. He worked on the farm as a tractor driver. After moving to Moscow in 1950, he rose from a simple worker to foreman to plant them. Likhachev, but the passion for painting never left.
In Armenia Koryun Nahapetyan finished the Leninakan art school. S. D. Merkurov, and after moving to Moscow has received a speciality the artist — designer at Moscow art-industrial Institute. Stroganov S. G., studied in graduate school at VNIITE, in parallel the second higher education on a speciality "Sociology and philosophy".
The uniqueness lies in the fact that, with the monocular type of vision (of youth injured on the deprived of the future painter is an important working tool — one eye), he was able to obtain higher education and become a professional artist.
His creative work the artist began in 1952 at Paveletsky station in the Pavilion-Museum "Funeral train VI Lenin", where he conducted the restoration of the historical exhibit In the 1960-ies in Uniformare on VDNH USSR under the leadership Luchishkin S. A. participated in the design of many Soviet and foreign exhibitions.
Nahapetyan personally and in collaboration with engineers, machine builders have developed a range of artistic and design projects for individual machines and complex equipment for trade industry and public catering.
Most of the development done by Establishment of K. G. in Uniformise implemented in mass production. Koryun Nahapetyan. author of more than thirty inventions and patents in the field of industrial design.
Young artist — designer patronized S. A. Luchishkin, one of the most significant painters "postfuturistika" generation, a theatrical figure.
Former artistic Director and Director of the Theatre of small forms of Moscow Proletkult, a Board member of the Moscow Union of artists Nahapetyan, who considered his teacher and mentor.
In 1970 Nahapetyan was invited to work as artist — designer factory in Yerevan, "Nairi". Simultaneously, he taught technical aesthetics at the Yerevan art Institute, and after returning to Moscow in 1971, he continued his career in Uniformise, long engaged in teaching in the Moscow Institute of national economy. Plekhanov G. V.
Since 1976, the basic place of work of the artist — Moscow United Committee of trade Union of graphic artists. He was among the first members of the painting section of the Moscow United Committee of the Union of graphic artists, the decision on which creation at the end of 1975 welcomed the first Secretary of the CPSU MGK VV Grishin.
Nahapetyan illustrated book production, worked on the Charter of the organization, was elected to the Council and the local Committee, organized the exhibition processes. In 1978 he founded and was the permanent head of the artistic group "20 Moscow artists".
The group operated almost as an independent structural unit outside the framework of the painting section of the Moscow United Committee of trade Union of graphic artists.
"The city Committee of trade unions on Small Georgians" (popular name) was, in essence, the first a kind of "island of creative freedom" in Moscow 70-80 years.
In fifteen years of existence, "Twenty", her exhibition at Malaya Gruzinskaya 28 attracted more than a million of Muscovites and guests of the capital.
The last exhibition "Malaya Gruzinskaya 28", held in 1991 just before the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Exhibition hall "Manege" and the U.S. Congress, was a final chord of the movement of the Moscow nonconformist artists.
In the last years of his life the artist began to gradually move away from painting and was engaged in scientific journalism. He wrote the book "Invasion of the Earth in the solar system".
In this work Nahapetyan proposed to the readers a new concept of the origin of the Earth, registered in Rospatent as the "Know — How". It found the display and the area of the fine arts, and the relationship of Earth — Man — Space, and font culture.
On type culture Nahapetyan could talk for hours. He believed that in the font you can lay information, find healing, and to gain a sense of patriotism.
Continuing the work of his predecessor Armenian Koryun namesake, the artist dreamed that 30 created the font typefaces ever will all the computers in the world and will be able to encode any nation for good and progress by changing the shape of the letters.