Member of the Union of artists and the Union of theatrical figures, the author of scenography and costumes for more than twenty productions in the theatres of Moscow, other cities of Russia and abroad.
Born in 1964 into a theatre family in Cheboksary. After art school and military service he entered MVHPU them. S. G. Stroganov, faculty of interior design. In 1992 graduated. From 1993 to 1995 she trained at the Moscow theatre "Lenkom" O. A. Santica. He studied acting-directing course. Worked as the main artist of experimental theatre, Cheboksary. Collaborated with the theatre I. Kio. Was the main artist of the theatre festival "Moscow debuts". In the theater. VL. Mayakovsky worked with A. A. Goncharov. Member of the STD and of the Union of artists. In 2004 Moscow hosted the personal exhibition. The author of a series of installations in "Кабаре.doc". Has issued about 40 plays (scenography and costumes) in the theatres of Moscow, other cities of Russia and Estonia. Artist and Director of the project "the Mystery of the little Eyolf". Art Director of the television series "Thirty something". Worked as an interior designer.