Ivanovich Podklyuchnikov

Russia • 1813−1877

Biography and information

Many artists (and even the luminaries of Russian art) were born in a family of serfs (yards) of the people. Nikolai podklyuchnikov was a serf of count Sheremetev. The father and uncle of the future artist led icon Studio. In it he received his first lessons teenager Nicholas, son of Smith. In 1833 he became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Moscow art class, then the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. The year 1839 — a significant one for the young painter: he was emancipated from the Sheremetevs and the title of free artist from the Academy of fine arts for writing from nature "view of the Church of St. Basil the blessed in Moscow." Lived N. And. Podkluchil in Moscow, has left future generations exterior and interiors of the Moscow and Moscow region estates. Gave a lot of time to work on the restoration of paintings and old icons. Painter is owned and remarkable work "Class at the Moscow school of painting", embodying the conditions in which students worked at the Stroganov school of the future.

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