Anatolievna Pokladova (Arkhangelsk)

Russia • born in 1950

Graduated MGHI them. Surikov (workshop of theatrical painting of Kurilko M. M.) in 1978, a member of the CX CCCP (USDA) since 1987, a Permanent participant of Moscow exhibitions. Annual personal exhibitions in Moscow since 2000 he was Awarded the diploma of ARTS (2007), winner of the international competition of young specialists Paris (1978), winner of 3 spring salons "Women artist of Moscow" (2001, 2003, 2005). Working in the field of monumental-decorative and easel painting and graphics. The author of a number of murals for public buildings in Moscow and other Russian cities. Easel works are in the Museum of Modern art, in the collection of the Deutsche Bank, in private collections in Russia and abroad. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

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