Son Of I. E. Repin. Since 1918, the involuntary immigrant in Finland, in the estate of his father. In 1939, before the arrival of the Soviet army, left the manor and went to the depths in Finland. Died in Helsinki.
Painter. Son Of I. E. Repin. He studied in the Petersburg. Of arts (1899-1905) from his father, from 1903 – D. N. Kardovsky. From 1903 he worked in St. Petersburg. father's workshop, in 1917, settled in Kuokkala, in 1918, appeared abroad in Finland. From 1939 he lived in Helsinki. In recent years, was seriously ill. Historical paintings and paintings of biblical scenes, the portraits, "Peter the great before Poltava battle" (1910), "Turchinsky boy" (1913), "Evening" (1914), "Shalyapin" (1914), "P. D. Shmarov" (1915), "the Royal family among the wounded" (1916), etc.