Nikolaevich Rusanov

Russia • born in 1950

Biography and information

Born in 1950 in the city of Nikolaev.

In 1969 he graduated from the Ryazan art school.

In 1969 - 1975 he studied at the Moscow state art Institute named after V. I. Surikov.

In 1975 - 1977 he taught at the School of the arts campus in Chernogolovka.

Since 1973, participant of numerous exhibitions in our country and abroad.

Since 1976 - member of the artists Union of the USSR.

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian Museum, more than twenty museums of Russia, Georgia, Lithuania, Ukraine, private collections in England, Poland, USA and France.

Participation in exhibitions

1982 Exhibition of paintings of young artists. Tokyo;

1983 the Art of young artists 1970 - ies. Amsterdam. The Hague;

1983 Russian landscape. Bonn. Germany;

1984 Tradition and innovation. Paris;

1984 Exhibition of young Soviet artists of the 1970-ies. Helsinki;

1984 Russian and Soviet art. Tradition and modernity. Dusseldorf. Hanover. Germany;

1987 USSR - the person, family, society. The exhibition in the United States;

1987 Exhibition of works by Soviet artists. France;

1987 Soviet and Japanese painting. Exhibition in Japan;

1988 Soviet art of the 1970 - 1980s. The exhibition in MATRADE;

1988 Soviet contemporary art. The exhibition in Florencia. Italy;

1988 Exhibition at the festival "Women of the USSR in India". India;

1989 XXIII Biennale of Baltic sea countries;

1989 Soviet contemporary art. Oslo;

1989 Moscow artists in London. Exhibition of twenty Moscow artists in London;

1989 XXI International festival of visual art. Cannes-sur-Mer. France;

1989 Contemporary Soviet art. Exhibition in Morocco; 1989 Landscape in the Soviet art. Ethiopia;

1990 Modern Soviet painting. Exhibition in Zambia and Zimbabwe;

1991 international fair of fine arts. London;

1991 Art Myth I. Moscow;

1992 world exhibition EXPO 92. Seville. Spain;

1993 Art MIF III. Moscow;

1995-1996 Solo exhibition at the Moscow office of world Bank of reconstruction and development. Moscow;

1996 Personal exhibition in gallery "Neskuchny sad". Moscow;

1996 Personal exhibition in the company "Diasoft." Moscow.


Rozhin "Youth of Russia", Art, N 12, 1976, p. 6;

Nazarenko "the new generation", Art, N 1, p. 23;

Korzukhin "At the crossroads of traditions," Creativity, N 8, p. 19;

Lenyashin Young artists of the Russian Federation. Leningrad , 1978, p. 7, 8, 11;

Expanses of "History and modernity in the works of young Soviet artists", Art, N 4, 1978, pp. 39 - 40;

Sidorov "Easel painting of the seventies", Soviet painting, N 8, 1981, p. 198;

Salakhov "Problems and trends of art of young artists", Art, N 10, 1982;

Morozov "Soviet artists 1960 - 1970", catalogue of the exhibition "Tradition and modernity. Russian and Soviet art", 1984 - 1985;

Mayland, Korzukhin, Lebedeva "the Moscow genre painting", Art, 1984, N 5;

Sovjetisk bilgehde kunst FRA 1970 - 80 ARENE, catalogue, 1987;

Moskow artists in London, Moskow - London, catalogue, 1989;

The international contemprorary Art Fair, Art London 91, catalogue;

Moskauer Arelier, Berlin, catalogue, 1987;

Morozov, "On the way to the truth of life", the Light, N6, 1987;

Morozov, "Generation young" painting of Soviet artists 1960 - 1980, Moscow, 1989;

Yakimovich Young artists of the eighties, Moscow, 1990;

Art. Russia of the twentieth century. Moscow, 1995.

  • Learning
  • Students