Member of the Union of artists of Russia (1991) painter. Honored art worker of Kuban.
Born in the city of Krasnodar. Graduated from Krasnodar art. school (1978), Since 2002.- Krasnodar art and industry Academy.Creative activities since 1978.
Member mountains.,cu.,zones.,Rep.,proceedings of all-Union. and international exhibitions. Works in the genre of thematic paintings and portraits. Style
direction-symbolic realism and figurative avant-garde.
The main scenic proizv-I: "Freedom of choice","Adam and eve"a triptych, "Two","Orgy"a triptych,"the Temptation of Adam,""portrait of St. Fedorova","portrait of VL.Vasilyeva". Work purchased Min-tion of culture,the galleries of France, Germany, Malta, USA,Cleveland,San Francisco.