Painter. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
1908.07.IV Riga - 1998.20.IX Riga
Before World War II, he worked as assistant decorator at the Liepaja Theater.
In 1942 he graduated from the V.Purvītis Species Painting workshop at the Latvian Academy of Arts with a thesis work “At the sawmill”.
The artist has participated in exhibitions since 1938.
Personal exhibition organized in Riga (1967).
C 1945 J. Skuch was a member of the Union of Artists.
In 1944 - 51 years, he led the studio of fine arts in the Riga Palace of Pioneers.
In 1956, the artist was awarded the Order of Honor.
Literature: “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vanaga - Riga, 2000 - 3.sēj