Otarovich Topuria

Russia • born in 1956

Painter, member. Intern. Federation of artists UNESCO (1993). He graduated from the faculty of painting of the State. the Academy of arts in Tbilisi (1983). Participant of exhibitions: mountains. "Landscapes of Karelia" (1998), "Watercolor rains" (1994, 2002), "Stones and herbs" (2002), etc., resp. since 1995, the region. "Russian North" (Kirov, 1998), vseros. "Artists of Russia" (Moscow, 1997), "...thy Name" (Moscow, 2000). Solo exhibition in Petrozavodsk (1996-2002), Germany (1999, 2001).

The work of T. – the Museum will depict. the claim in Rep. Karelia, picture galleries of Georgian and German, the Valaam state historical-architectural. and natural Museum-reserve, Kraeved. the Museum of the city of Segezha (Resp. Karelia), in private collections in Russia, CIS, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, and Japan.

Petrozavodsk GU teaches at the Institute of pedagogy and psychology at the Department of Fine arts and design.

(Source: encyclopedia)

Born: 26 Mar 1956, S. Norici Abassova district of Georgia.


Honored art worker of the Republic of Karelia.



Children's art school of Poti (1967-1971.)

Art teacher school. J. I. Nikoladze

State Academy of arts Tbilisi



Annual Republican exhibition, Tbilisi, 1980 and 1992

Annual Republican exhibition, Petrozavodsk, 1995

"The image of women", Petrozavodsk, 1998

"The landscape of Karelia", Petrozavodsk, 1998

"Wooden architecture of the Russian North", 1998

"Peace among the flowers", Petrozavodsk, 1998

All-Russian exhibition "To the 850th anniversary of Moscow", Moscow, 1997

"Russian North" regional exhibition, Kirov, 1998

"Winter exhibition", Petrozavodsk, 1999-2000, Cultural center of the MA


Group exhibitions:

B. Topuria and Z. Gikashvili, Moscow, Central house of artists, 1994.

B. Topuria and S. Salinen, Saint-Petersburg, "Nevograf", 1998


Personal exhibitions:

Republican center for the arts, Petrozavodsk, 1996.

Gallery "Tayde", Petrozavodsk 1997

Expo center, Petrozavodsk, 1997

State public library, Petrozavodsk.

Joensuu (Finland) 1999


Work in public collections:

The Ministry of culture in Tbilisi.

Art gallery, Tbilisi.

Republican center for the arts in Petrozavodsk.

Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Karelia.



Member of the Union of artists of Georgia since 1985

Member of the international Federation of artists UNESCO since 1993

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1997

Work in private collections: Russia, Germany, Finland, Australia, USA, Israel, Ukraine, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia.

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