Ivanovich Umnov

Russia • born in 1931

Biography and information

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1931 in Moscow. In 1955. he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute. In 1954 1957гг. worked in the art Studio, and in 1958 1962гг. worked under the guidance of the famous book graphics P. M. Klyachko. With 1962. professionally engaged in art. In 1964-1989. worked as an artist in the Studio of advertising and applied and industrial graphics. Since 1972. member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Since 1987. participates in exhibitions of easel painting. Lives in Moscow. In 2005. National center for contemporary art published a book Umnova "Words and pause."

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg Archangel art Museum, Archangel and Annunciation local history Museum, Blagoveshchensk; Bryansk art gallery, Bryansk; Vologda regional picture gallery, Vologda; Ekaterinburg Museum of fine arts, Yekaterinburg; Kaliningrad art gallery, Kaliningrad, Russia; Kemerovo regional fine arts Museum, Kemerovo; State Lermontov Museum-reserve Tarkhany, Lermontov, Penza region; the Literary Museum, Moscow; Novosibirsk state art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia; Norilsk art gallery, Norilsk; The Tomsk regional art Museum, Tomsk; Tyumen regional Museum of fine arts, Tyumen; the National art Museum of Sakha Republic, Yakutsk; Yaroslavl art Museum, Yaroslavl; the Museum of Duke University, North Carolina, USA; the Museum Jane Voorhees Zimmerly, Rutgers University, new Jersey, USA; Commission of the European communities, Strasbourg, France; the collection Eugene Nutovich, Moscow.

Personal exhibitions:

1993 - gallery "Moscow collection", Moscow;

1995 - "Gallery A-3", Moscow;

2000 - gallery "Mars", Moscow;

2001 - Triedr, gallery "Art-harbour", St.-Petersburg;

2005 - "Monologue", cultural centre "Dom", Moscow;

2005 - "Monologue", Center for contemporary art "Mars", Moscow.

Group exhibitions:

1987 - 1st exhibition of the avant-garde "Artist and modernity", exhibition hall "na Kashirke", Moscow;

1988 - "in Memory of Malevich" exhibition hall "At Kashirke", Moscow;

1989 - "New reality", Ravenna, Bologna, Italy;

1990 - "Calligraphy US-USSR", Central house of artists, Moscow - new York, San Francisco, USA;

1990 - "the Other art. 1956-1976", the State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow;

1990 - Exhibition of 14 artists, House of artists, Moscow;

1991 "Modern artists for Malevich" the State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow;

1992 - Exhibition of graphics, Erfurt, Germany;

1994 - "Contemporary chart of Russia", Central house of artists, Moscow;

1996 - the 4th international Biennale of easel graphics "Kaliningrad-Konigsberg 96", Kaliningrad;

1996 - "Russian collection", gallery "Mars", Moscow;

1997 "the World collector. The view of a contemporary. Collection of E. M. Nutovich", State Museum of fine arts. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow;

1997 - "the Roots of Russian constructivism. A modern view". Art galleries of the universities of Maryland, new Hampshire, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania - the World Bank, Washington, USA;

1998 - "Workshop of constructivism - geometry, structure, ornament, colour", the State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow;

1999 - 1st international Biennale of contemporary graphics, Novosibirsk;

2000 6th international biennial of graphics of the Baltic sea countries "Kaliningrad-Koenigsberg 2000", Kaliningrad;

2000 - "Art-Novosibirsk", Novosibirsk;

2001 - "Moscow international art salon Central house of artists, 2001";

2001 - 2nd international Biennale of contemporary graphics, Novosibirsk;

2001-2002 - "Abstraction in Russia. XX century", State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg;

2002 - "counter-evolution", all-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art, Moscow;

2002 - "Graphics of Moscow artists", Central exhibition hall "Manege", Moscow;

2003 - "Moscow abstraction. The second half of the XX century", State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow;

2003 - Exhibition of paintings and objects by Moscow artists, Russian Museum of decorative, applied and folk art, Moscow;

2003 - "Art of book", House of artists, Moscow;

2003 - Exhibition of book graphics Moscow international book fair, Frankfurt am main, Germany;

2003 - "Heavy-light", gallery "na Solyanke", Moscow;

2004 - "War and peace", all-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art, Moscow;

2005 - "Painting No. 1", "Gallery A-3", Moscow;

2005 - "Letters", the State Literary Museum, Moscow;

2005-2006 - "Revision material", the State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow;

2007 - "the adventures of "Black square" by K. Malevich", the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.