People's artist of the USSR (1978), corresponding member AH the USSR. He graduated from MUZHVZ, where he studied with A. Vasnetsov, A. Arkhipov, S. Malyutina, L. Pasternak and K. Korovin. In the first years after the revolution, he worked in Smolensk. He took an active part in the socio-cultural life of the city, led the art Studio of Proletkult. Among his students - later known artists Konstantin Dorokhov, Mikhail Khazanov, N. Pamalican. From 1922 he lived in Moscow. Gained fame as the author of works devoted to the Navy. In 1959, Smolensk hosted a big personal exhibition of the artist. Work presented at the Smolensk state historical and architectural art Museum-reserve.
Rod Strannikov, according to the artist, comes from the Russified Lebanese knights. Father and grandfather of the artist - known in his time in Smolensk notaries (by the way, M. K. Tenisheva, operated its business through the office Stranicu). Mother of the artist - the suburban peasant. Vladimir Fyodorovich in the village of Tsaritsyno, where at that time was visiting his parents.
An interest in art from Shtraniha, it is possible to tell, hereditary. His grandfather, Fyodor Ivanovich, graduated from the Moscow architectural College and all his life was engaged in painting. In the collections of the Smolensk Museum houses his large canvas painting "View of Smolensk 19th century". The artist's father, Fedor Fedorovich, preferred watercolor.
At 12 years of age Stranih arrives at the Stroganov school in Moscow. At the end of his works as an assistant decorator at the Bolshoi theatre under the direction of the famous Konstantin Korovin, whose Stranih always called my main teacher. The Council deals with Korovin in the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. Studied Stranih in A. Vasnetsov, A. Arkhipov, S. Malyutina, L. Pasternak (what a constellation of names and talents!). In College in the tradition of "friends" were the famous writers, poets, artists...
The first years after W. F. Stranih holds in Smolensk, takes an active part in public and cultural life of his native city, directs the art Studio of Proletkult. Among his pupils were later famous artists: Konstantin Dorokhov, Mikhail Khazanov, N. Paralyzin...
In 1922, Vladimir lives and works in Moscow. Determined the main theme of his work - the landscape of the Motherland in all its diversity.
Shtranikh often in their homeland, made the creative journey with Smolensk artists, wrote the Smolensk region. In 1959, Smolensk hosted a personal exhibition of the artist. Our Museum has 16 works countryman.
L. Kosikova "Inspiration", № 11-12 (96-97), 1998