Dmitrievich Yali

Russia • born in 1946

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1946 in Zhdanov (Mariupol) and until 1952 lived in the Western Ukraine. For four years-from 1958 to 1962годы -studied at art school. In 1968 he graduated from the picturesque pedagogical Department of the Saratov art school. 1971 - pesonally exhibition in the magazine Smena in Moscow. In 1972 he became the Republican party, then and all-Union exhibitions. В1976 year, Eugene Yali invited to take part in the youth exhibition in Moscow in the exhibition hall at the Kuznetsk Bridge.

Two years later, in the Saratov state art Museum im. A. N. Radishchev is a great success a personal exhibition of the painter. Another solo exhibition was arranged by the staff of the journal "Aurora" in Leningrad in 1989. Among the notable performances of the master - international art fair "Art-mifa (1991) and a group exhibition in House of artists on Kuznetsky most, organized by "the Moscow gallery" (1992). 1992 - trip to Greece. Since the early 90 -ies around the artist has combined several young artists - recent graduates of art school. They have every right to be called disciples of Yali. Much of the work the Teacher was in tune with them. Today it is possible to speak of a picturesque Yali school in the Saratov art.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia. He is a well known master. His works are in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Saratov state art Museum im. A. N. Radishchev , Saratov regional Museum of local lore, the State Museum of K. A. Fedin, the Engels Museum of local lore, wolska art gallery. In 1996, the Russian Academy of arts awarded Yali Diploma for the best works in the field of fine art, history of art and architecture. In April 1998, for outstanding achievement in the art of the artist's name is included in the 8th edition of the International directory of the American biographical Institute (North Carolina). Currently the artist lives and works in Saratov.

(From the article K. Alexandrov)