Ilich Madekin

Russia • born in 1963

Born in 1963 in Moscow.

He graduated from the Institute of applied art and design MGUS in 1985.

Member of Moscow Union of artists since 1990. The participant of many Russian and international exhibitions, including personal in Moscow, Delhi, Amsterdam, Poland, and South Korea. In 2000 he was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Currently, the artist is the author of over forty works, executed in the technique of the author's tapestry. About twenty works have been made specially for institutions and private apartments in collaboration with architects and designers.

Copyright the tapestry dates back to the historically traditional technique with a lint-free carpet "Kilim", widely known since ancient times. The artist creates his work using colored weft threads that are woven into the base in accordance with the sketch. Tapestries Andrew Madekina connect classic trellis with an endless variety of weaving methods and techniques, transforming each work into a unique work of authorship.

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