
Russia • born in 1964

Born in 1964 in Yerevan. He grew up in a family where honored elders and loved children, worked hard and were able heartily to enjoy life. These simple enduring values have shaped the psycho-emotional sphere of the boy. Gegham loved to watch his father - a Cabinet maker, nugget, creating unique works of art of wood, learned from him the ability to create beautiful. Finally, the moment came when he wanted to try his hand. In 5 years Gegham took up the brush, which has never left. It is remarkable that from a young age he is not confined to narrow national mentality, looking for the images that would be close and understandable to any resident of the Earth. True, at first it was expressed in a passion for choreography. The parents of the child, by nature is extremely flexible and movable, predicted him a career as a professional dancer and gave it to the school dance. Many long years passed before Gegham realized that painting is his main calling. He left the stage, but the rhythm and the aesthetics of dance have become the main plot outline of many of his compositions.

In 1984 Meloyan he graduated from the painting faculty of the Art school. P. Terlemezian, and in 1993 the Department of graphics of the Armenian fine arts and theatre Institute. There he met his future wife, Naira, also an artist, which becomes tolkovanii other, sharing all the hardships, counselor and homemaker, but also a Muse of the artist, significantly present in many of his female characters.

The ordeals endured by the Armenian, inevitably touched, and G. Meloyan. After the collapse of the Soviet Union he, together with his wife and child had to leave their Motherland and settle in Moscow. Here G. Meloyan, despite all life's hardships with renewed vigor begins to come to grips with painting and asserts its own style, tastes, and develops various techniques. In Russia he has his first confession: he becomes a member of the International Union of artists at UNESCO and later a member of the International art Fund.

(From an article by A. Sosnovsky (PhD, doctor of law Honoris causa of Open International University of the United Nations))

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