1955 Born in Kotelnich in Kirov region.
1978 Graduated from Kirov art College.
Since 1981 lives in Nikopol, Ukraine.
1985-1991 Participates in exhibitions and poster competitions perestroika and post-perestroika.
1987 Graduated from the Urals state University, Department of history of art (in absentia). Studied with A. M. Ruskin.
1989 laureate of the IInd prize at the national competition of posters "the Restructuring and we", Moscow.
1989 winner of the incentive prize at the International poster contest "for the Sake of life on earth", Moscow (co-authored by Yu Tendinum).
1990 laureate of the II and III prizes at the Soviet-American contest of posters "From knowledge to trust."
Since 1992, engaged in painting.