Nikolayevich Arshinov

Russia • 1887−1957

When I first came to N.N., he greeted me politely pointed out, the theater held out his hand, as an adult. N. N. was small in stature, very agile, angular shoulders, a big shaved head, thin actor's face. It reminded Meyerhold, only the face was funny. He joked, sang, someone copied. His gestures were very expressive.

Around the walls a lot of sketches, executed in oil on stretcher and on pieces of canvas. Head, self-portrait excellently drawn, easily written. Drew it perfectly. Figure slightly resembled Kasatkin and Valentin Serov. Much later I learned that the drawings N.N. loved Kasatkin. Very well, he drew caricatures of friends. They were remarkably similar. I he put the mask of Christ, Venus and two cupids. More than anything he was not.

I painted with charcoal. N. N. very good bug fixes, mostly in summary form, overwriting the finger shadow, transparent, easily, gracefully. Acutely stressed character. I'm so used to charcoal, she had no idea that you can draw other materials. In painting, he taught collectively to see. It was for N. N. the most important thing. N. N. very lively and vividly told me about their teachers Kasatkina, Stepanova, and especially K. Korovin. Studied N.N. together with A. Gerasimov, Kozik, knew Mayakovsky, Burliuk, Boris Grigoriev. About them he too often told and copied. N. N. played a very important role in my life, being my teacher, and later older friend. I have not seen a person more optimistic, always busy... With him was easy and interesting. Talented and versatile, N. N. sang a little, played well on stage. Cartoons are not inferior to cheremnoye, Eleva, etc.

But life in a small town, the hard earnings of the teacher was not given the chance N.N. to become a famous artist.

(the other option)

It was Nikolai Arshinov. He graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture and, in contrast to N. N. Andreeva, who all know praised me ("well, brother, uwa-a-live..."), became seriously me to do. He lived not far from us, I went to visit him twice a week, he set to painting a simple furmity, and for drawing a plaster head, and then corrected my work - that's the whole method. But it was for me the main science. I was surprised how quickly a few strokes or touches, Nicholas could from the poor performance of the student to make good.

I am grateful for a meeting with that person! 've never met a man more intelligent, raspolojennoe and friendlier to people. Arsenovych I have always been easy and ROSTO. First there were three of them - Nicholas, his wife Lyubov Matveevna and daughter Irene ("Irene"), then there was a nice young man Mike, and somewhere in a year was and their with Ira, the first-born Sergei. Have Arsenovych was rather poor, to say the least, but in all their life and everyday life were ostovalas, if I may say so, the noble taste.

Then as was the custom long coffee break. I was also seated at the table, and round table arshinovsky I had heard very interesting. Especially nostral ears when Nicholas started to talk about the artists.

He knew Korovin, Stepanova, asatkina, his classmates at the school were Alexander Gerasimov, Kozik, Mayakovsky..

And what interesting people I have met have Arsenovych! Remember Andrei Belousov S. (he later sang in artovskoy Opera tenor), Dr. Sergei Pavlovich Pravednikova, teachers tematici Gregory K. Preobrazhensky, Natalia Vasilievna Tchaikovsky... I don't remember Exactly, but I think over tea at Arsenovych had the idea to organize in Lgov community theater. For the production "the Sunken bell" by Hauptmann. Nicholas was for the Director, and artist, and actor - he played the role of Goblin, and it seemed to me that the best the devil and could not be.

(From the book by E. V. volobuyeva "Colour and word")

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