Student Of The Academy Of Arts. Received silver medals in 1833-2 and in 1835-1 for "portrait of a brother"; in the same year the title of free artist of portrait painting. In 1840, the title of academician for the portrait of KN. N. And. Dundukova-Korsakov. (Kondakov)
After finishing the Academy painter's talent was quickly in demand. He writes, among other portraits of Nicholas I (1837), the influential Duke of N. And. Dundukova-Korsakov (1840), the great Russian painter Karl Brullov (1845). For "Portrait of Prince N. And. Dondukov-Korsakov" F. O. Budkin awarded the title of academician. When Lermontov graduated from cadet school and for the first time wore an officer's uniform, the grandmother of poet E. A. Arsenyeva commissioned artist F. O. Budkina his formal portrait. Irakli Andronicus writes about this portrait: "From the canvas and stares at us calm, good-looking guardsman with regular features: udlinenie oval, high forehead,, correct form nose, dandy mustache above pouting mouth..."
Yet the art of F. O. Bodkin is not a major event in Russian portraiture 1830-1840-ies. It was at this time high values in the person of O. Kiprensky, V. Tropinin, K. Brulov, next to which was a large group portrait, comparable in some works with these luminaries on talent and skill. The artist has created his memorable portraits and this came into Russian painting, as entered her hundreds and thousands of artists, each performing their mission in accordance with the allotted nature of the gift.