
Russia • 1888−1940

Biography and information

Alexander Plamadeala (9.10.1888 - 15.04.1940) - a prominent Moldovan sculptor. He received his artistic education at the Chisinau school of drawing, then at the Higher school of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow. Since 1919 he was in charge of the Kishinev art College. In his works, was a supporter of traditional realism in art.

In her work, she practiced all genres: portrait, monumental sculpture, busts, genre compositions, plastic. Was engaged in the drawing (in 1934 made the Frescoes of the Cathedral of the Bender).

In 1911 assisted in the establishment of the "society of lovers of fine arts of Bessarabia". As head of this society was organized 11 exhibitions. On his initiative, in 1939, was created by the municipal Museum of fine arts.

Among his works: Female portrait (miniature in marble, 1916), "the Rock" (plaster, 1928), "self-Portrait with his wife" (Fildes, 1929). They made a bust of Alexei Mateevici (bronze, 1934), A. Donich and B. P. Hasdeu. The largest work of A. Plamadeala - a monument to Moldovan Ruler Stefan cel Mare (1927, bronze), the pedestal of which is made by the project of A. Bernardazzi.

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