"The foreign actor of the Court theatre troupe". In 1758 he entered the Academy of Arts in 1768, received a certificate for the title of student. (Kondakov)
WINSLOW Ivan ulyanovich [1742 — after 1804, Perm]. By birth he belonged to the landless the Smolensk nobility. He studied at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, then at the University gymnasium, where at the beginning of 1761, together with part of the student troupe of the theater was transferred to St. Petersburg. Here he taught Russian and French. languages students court theatre and was listed as an actor in German. In November 1763 Winslow received permission to attend lectures by FR. Academic language at school and to study painting at the Academy of arts in 1766-1768 visited Akad. University, especially studying "the Russian Shtil" and the translation in A. P. Protasov. 20 Mar 1768 students were identified in the Office buildings, in 1769, passed by the clerk to the Senate, from 1770 to 1776 he served as an actuary and translator in the office of the N. I. Panin, and in 1773 was acting diplomatic courier for travel in Sweden, Denmark and Hamburg.