Muzalewski Boris. Actively exhibited his work in 1910-ies. Entered the society of artists "Link", and then joined the society "Free art". In 1913, in connection with obtaining a post in the Administration of Imperial estates, moved to Kostroma.
"Link" (the Moscow society of artists "Link") — Association of Moscow artists that emerged in 1917.
In society, there were 36 members, among them: V. V. Evreinov, I. D. Dmitriev-Lutici, K. Y. Klever (Moscow), V. N. Kostanecki, p. P., Kuznetsov, B. M. Muzalevskiy, V. K. Tatishchev, and others.
"In this society United artists, drawn by its picturesque techniques to the "Wanderers", "academic" and the Petrograd society of artists" ("Evening news", 1917, October 23).
In 1917, the Association showed the first (and last) exhibition of paintings in Moscow (22 Oct, 21 Nov — 3 Dec).