Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Russia • 1893−1930

Biography and information

Born in 1893 in Bagdadi, Georgia.

1893-1906 Lives in Baghdad and Kutaisi.

Studying painting with the artist S. P. Rubella in Kutaisi. 1906 he moved to Moscow with his family.

1908 Makes copies of watercolors by E. Boehm for confectionery Abrikosov. Draws advertising for the pharmaceutical company Galen; Enters the preparatory class of the Stroganov school of industrial art

1910 Studies in the Studio of the artist S. Zhukovsky, then - P. kälin.

1910-1917 Studies at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (with breaks).

In August-October 1914, wrote more than 30 texts to the posters-prints and postcards. produced by the Moscow publishing house "Moscow print",.

Октябрь1919 - January 1922.- One of the organizers, leading artists and poets "Window satire GROWTH".

1922 Together with a group of poets and artists organized a literary-artistic Association of LEF - left front of the arts, which publishes the eponymous magazine.

1923-1928 Performs posters.

1928-1930 Recent work of Mayakovsky as author of poster texts. He wrote about 60 texts for health posters and posters on labour discipline.

1928-1929 Preparing his anniversary exhibition.

1930 Died in Moscow.

Mayakovsky was born in the village of Bagdadi in Georgia in the family of Forester Vladimir Mayakovsky K. (1857 - 1906). The poet's mother, Aleksandra Alekseevna, was born in the Kuban. In 1902, Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium in Kutaisi. After his father's death, Mayakovsky and his mother moved to Moscow. In Moscow, he again entered the gymnasium, which was cast in 1908 and was engaged in revolutionary activities.

In 1908 he joined the RSDLP, was arrested three times. Poetry began writing in 1909 in solitary confinement in Butyrka prison. In 1911 he entered the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Entered in a poetry circle and joined the Cubists-futurists. His first published poem was called "Night" (1912), it became a futuristic collection of "slap in the face to public taste".

14 April 1930 at 10:15 am Mayakovsky shot himself in the heart with a revolver. It happened in Moscow in the house № 3 on Lubyanka passage, room No. 12. Obviously, it was a suicide. However, in spite of the posthumous request of a poet "that die, don't blame anyone, and please do not tittle-tattles. Dead this not terribly fond.", speculation continues surrounding his death. Often there is a version about the murder, however, additional examination and investigation of any conclusive evidence of this version have not found.