Nikolaevna Davidenko

Russia • born in 1867

Biography and information

Student of Academy of Arts from 1893 To 1910, issued a certificate for teaching drawing in secondary schools. (Kondakov)

Entry from the diary of A. Ostroumova shows that in 1892, female students at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg can be counted on the fingers: "Women received only the second year that they were allowed to take to the Academy. If I am not mistaken, we had eight people. Della-Vos, Chaplinsky, Landesen, Bruns, tkhorzhevskaya members, Blonska, Melnikov-Pechersky and me. Volnoslushatelnitsey -Schroeter and Davydenko. From the previous course I remember Martynov, Klokacheva, Fedorov and Savic" (A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva. Autobiographical notes. Vol. 1-2. M., Fine arts, 1974)

  • Learning