Before the revolution, was engaged in painting. After the revolution: graduated from the school of ensigns (1917), commanded the battalion conducted revolutionary propaganda among the soldiers of the 12th army. In April 1918 voluntarily joined the Red Army in may - the military Commissar of the Vitebsk military Commissariat. From September 1918 to may 1919 the Commissioner of the 1st Smolensk (later 26th) infantry division in may 1919, the commander of the 228th regiment, Karelian, and from July 1919 the 2nd brigade of the 26th infantry division; from December 1919, the chief of the 27th infantry division participated in the fighting on the Eastern and Western fronts, in the liquidation of the Kronstadt rebellion in 1921 and banditry in the Lower Volga. At the end of the Military academic courses of the higher command (1923) was the chief and Commissar of the 2nd Moscow infantry school. In 1923 he joined the Trotskyist opposition, but then retreated from it. In 1924-27 he worked at the Headquarters and Central offices of the red army, commanded a corps. 1927-31 military attache to Japan, Finland and Germany, 1931-34 commanded a corps and the Maritime group of forces in the Far East. In 1934-36 military attaché in the UK. Awarded 3 orders of the red banner.