The foundry master of the Academy of Arts of Turkish origin, 12 years old taken prisoner and brought to Russia, where he was given the Academy of fine Arts. Cast in bronze many colossal busts and statues that adorn our capital. Participated in casting the equestrian statue of the monument of Peter I (Saint Petersburg) and the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow.
A graduate of the Academy of Arts from 1764, 1779 In 1779, issued by the apprentice with a certificate of the 2nd degree; in 1798 he received the title of master and is defined in the service Academy with the rank of the caster. In 1805 he was given the pupils for learning the techniques of casting bronze. In 1831, the foundry and engraved title deeds of the master. He performed in numerous Academic foundry casting of various monuments and statues. (Kondakov)