(6/18.8.1891 - 3.9.1968)Windows-chill art. otd-nie ist.-filol. faculty Mosk. University (1915). Read the history and theory of art in Moscow. University (1918-25, 1949-52), in VKhUTEMAS (1925). Head. DEP. the history and theory of architecture (1935), Professor (1940), a member-cor. Acad. architecture of the USSR (1941); then under his arms. (often in his pen water and its commentaries) published works of the classics of the architecture of antiquity and the Renaissance (Alberti, Vitruvius, Palladio, Vasari, etc.). Ist.-lit. the work is dedicated to Goethe, translated the book. G. Simmel, "Goethe" (Moscow, 1928), "Convivio" Of Dante (Moscow, 1968). In the basic theoretical the works of G. develop-shaft "philosophy of spatial arts." (Materials book: Russian philosophy. Small encyclopedic Doctrine In the major theoretical works of G. developed the philosophy of spatial arts (philosophical Foundation of the theory of spatial arts), whose mission (unlike aesthetics and art theory) was a phenomenological analysis of the immediate realities of art as such, the study of the art of spatial forms in the perfect cut regardless of the specific historical realization. (Mazur S. in kN.: Russian philosophy. Small encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1995. P. 116).