
Russia • 1891−1945

Biography and information

Master of lacquer miniatures, one of the founders of Kholuy art artel. Graduated from a four-year school of academician E. A. sarin. Before the revolution Mokin wrote icons, worked a variety of wall paintings. In 20-ies participated as an artist easel at the regional and district exhibitions. Since 1933(since the founding of the Kholuy art artel) has worked exclusively as a miniaturist. Since 1942 in the works mokina prevailed heroic theme. He portrays in his the miniatures of the glorious past of the Russian people, its centuries-old struggle for national independence. Developed Marinum and other masters lackey style (black background, decorative principle composite of the solution) is often given occasion to reproach artists in imitation of Palekh. But it overlooked the fact that his miniature lackey is not as graphic, more scenery than miniatures of Palekh.

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