He studied at the Higher artistic-technical Institute--later (1928--1930). He graduated from the Moscow polygraphic Institute (1930--1931).
Worked in the field of artificial font, book design, applied graphics. Participated in exhibitions since 1973.
A. V. Shchukin, one of the oldest artists onsh had the experience of the artist font of knowledge on the evolution of typographic fonts are all historical eras. He has done a lot during the first stage of operation of the font laboratory of the research Institute of Narcomiscoma of the Russian Federation for the modernization of old printing set. Shchukin knew the system "monotype" and the practice of stacked things and always shared their experience and knowledge with young artists.
He has participated in critical developments of the Department, such as the headset, Literary, Magazine chopped (as supervisor), the Ordinary new, Lazursky, create an original typographic illustration of a font Ladoga, in which the shape of characters mimics the technique of broad-NIB pen.
Shchukin possessed a wonderful sense of font forms, the originals of his fonts for a long time still showed young professionals as an example of how to work. In addition, he was a born teacher, and, in the opinion of many artists of the next generation, that Shchukin introduced them to the secrets of the art design typographic fonts.