Alekseevich Krylov

Russia • born in 1925

Born in Stalingrad. In 1942 he worked at the mill of MPs, where during the war he produced anti-personnel mines. With evacuees enterprise Lev Krylov went to Kazan, but in 1943, begins his military career. After the end of the Vinnitsa infantry school L. A. Krylov serves in the Reserve officer regiment in Gorky, from February 1945, engaged in military operations in 53 army of the second Ukrainian front. Fighting in Europe for his end near Prague. In June 1945, Lev Krylov sent to the Transbaikal front, operating in Mongolia, Manchuria, China. After demobilization he studied at the Leningrad higher art–industrial school, which he graduated from in 1949 (Department of masters of art processing of a tree). Returning to his hometown in 1950, Stalingrad became a member of the Association of artists. Since 1953, his work has been exhibited in exhibitions at various levels. The development of the creative potential of the artist contributed to numerous open-air trip. Work on Akademicheskoi the country of the Union of artists of the USSR greatly contributed to the improvement of artistic skills of L. A. Krylov. Based on sketches L. A. Krylov and with his direct participation was decorated museums 6 Panzer army, Volzhskaya TETS. Thematic painting was donated to the State Museum – reserve "Old Sarepta" Museum Rivermen. His jubilee exhibition of the artist dedicates his hometown, which is inextricably linked to his creative life.

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