Romanovich Nadolsky

Russia • 1882−1942

Biography and information

Since 1932-member of the artists Union of Russia. B. in Minusinsk, in the family of an exiled Polish nobleman. He studied at the evening classes of the Stroganov school of industrial art in Moscow, from 1904-in St. Petersburg Academy of arts. In 1912 participated in the competition of projects of the monument to the heroes of 1812 is considered as the best work Adelskogh. His project in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon in Smolensk monument, preserved up to our days.

In August, 1918 sent from Moscow to Siberia to find marble. In Barnaul joined the staff of the provincial Department of education, headed the Commission for the production of educational visual AIDS and toys. Here he taught at first in the Altai art school. Created several sculptural portraits of writers, partisans of which are known at reproductions of the same bust of the writer S. Isakov. Created the monument to Lenin and the first in Barnaul, a monument to Karl Marx, the location of these works is unknown. In 1921 he completed the monument is the emblem of a slave.-cross. power on the front of the building, which is now the administration of Barnaul, the author of the project "Monument to socialism" and "Monument to the victims of the revolution." Participated in the recovery attempts of the Kolyvan grinding factory.

In 1923 from Barnaul to Moscow sent a train with exhibits on the I p. the exhibition, among them a relief map of the Altai province and layout bees, modeled Adelskogh. He was one of the originators of the Altai art society, organization of art education in the Altai. In 1927 he moved to Novonikolaevsk. In 1929 he returned to the Altai, he worked in the commune "may morning" kosikhinskiy district. Participated in public life, he taught at the local school of art history, sculpting, created the portraits of the Communards. Subsequent years of life is associated with Moscow. In the early 40's sent to foothills of Altai in search of a natural material. On the way to Barnaul, close to Rubtsovsk, died of pneumonia.

(the author-O. S. Komarova)

Educated in the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture in fact, until 1905 he studied at the Academy of fine arts. The first significant work of the artist has become a monument to heroes of the Patriotic war of 1812 in Smolensk. Further the life and career of sculptor connected with Siberia.

During the civil war, S. R. Nadolsky wife N. L. Jani-Nadolski lives in Barnaul. Here S. R. Nadolsky is undertaking a number of works which become the first incarnations of Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda in Siberia. On the pediment of the House of Soviets (now the building of city Council) was set made them a high relief depicting figures of workers and peasants.

Subsequently close to this group of sculptural repetition was made in Novosibirsk for the building Sibrevkoma (now the premises of the regional party Committee).

In Barnaul Nadolsky has developed the project of a monument to socialism. It was a

"the new pyramid age-old historical grounds with tiered eras, Dating back to the present, ending with the Russian October and a background in the future, as a prelude to the new man, the final pyramid of the ages"

He made the monument to the victims of the revolution in Barnaul and the unfulfilled project of the monument to Lenin near Semipalatinsk, busts of Lenin and Barnaul writer Sergei Isakov. Works Nadolsky in this period in art-industrial workshops.

Subsequently, it will make a series of sculptures in Novosibirsk and then in Moscow for the pavilion "Siberia" at the all-Union exhibition of achievements of national economy. In Moscow for the exhibition he made several sculptural groups, among which the "Oirot reading a book" - a tribute to the memory of the Altai. One of the reviewers described this work as "the most attractive sculpture exhibition".

If Adelskogh in the beginning of his way (a monument to Smolensk) is still noticeable influence of the eclectic sculpture of the second half of the nineteenth century, and in decorative reliefs of the 1920-ies is not completely organic relationship of the figures and decorative elements, then he gradually begins to work more organic and tighter. There is credibility in the way a young Oirot, bent over the book. The sculpture "Young Oirot" successfully transferred to the tree, with faithful regard to the shape of the cedar block.

Then Nadolsky came to the complex composition solution-monument. On a high pedestal silhouette was drawn the figure of the leader with outstretched hand forward. The plan was supplemented with reliefs: on one side depicts a few workers with the banner, on the other-a group of Kyrgyz. The reliefs represented the idea of internationalism. During this period he created the first in Barnaul the bust of Karl Marx (the location of these works unknown).

Intellectuals of Barnaul in those years often met the poet Sasha Piotrowski. Here was hotly discussed problems of formation of the young Soviet art, read new poems, stories. A frequent visitor was here and Nadolsky . He did a quick, light sketches with the audience. During this period, they had not created many sculptural portraits of writers and partisans. Known for reproductions of the bust of the writer-Siberian Stepan Isakov. He took an active part in the implementation of the plan of monumental propaganda in Siberia. At the beginning it was intended to be a "Monument of socialism." The monument was conceived Tomek as "the new pyramid age-old historical grounds with tiered eras, Dating back to the present and ending with the Russian October and a background in the future as a prelude to the new man, the final pyramid of the ages."

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