Evgenievich Ivanov-Sivers

United States • born in 1928

Biography and information

1950s — the End of art educational institutions.

The 1950s the end. — Convicted under article 70 part 2 of 10 years in prison and 3 years exile. Serving life sentence in 10-m camp office Dubrovlag. Collagenic – dissident Yu Galanskov, whose portrait he wrote Ivanov-Sivers, the portrait was praised by the dissident E. Vaginas.

1963, August. — "For crimes committed in places of deprivation of liberty" was transferred to prison No. 2 in Vladimir, Vladimir ex-convict Central prison (the so-called "closed prison"), the Search space in the camera of strict regime for 6 months, with reduced power in the first month. Constant feeling of hunger.

1963, November 1964, February. — The hunger strike.

1964, March. — Termination of the hunger strike. Extremely serious health condition. Transfer to a safety content. Only at the end of a strict regime transferred to the prison hospital because of severe condition.