Decoration Sweeten Cathedral in Kherson complements the sculptures in the niches of the exterior. They had decorated the entrances of the porch on three sides of the temple. The main Western portico were decorated with figures in human growth apostles Peter and Paul, North and South - the saints Mary Magdalene and Catherine (perhaps the original images were six). The author is a famous Moscow sculptor Gabriel T. Zamaraev (1758-1823), whose work "has had a great influence on the development of monumental and decorative sculpture of classicism in Moscow." In Kherson he arrived from Moscow, after his return from Paris, where in 1780-1784. held an internship from the Academy of fine arts. 17 Oct 1786 his name was mentioned in the report of the masters Korsakov, "in the building of the city of Kherson." The report mentioned the name of his apprentice - Anisim Petrovsky, who, presumably, was also involved in the work on a sculpture for the Cathedral. The original sculpture was lost. Currently in the Cathedral are copies.