Zakharovich Lalenkov

Russia • 1886−1959

(6 (20).XII.1886, Smolensk – V. 1959,Moscow), artist-designer, Illustrator, graphic. Continued the tradition of the "Art World". He studied at the Alexander Smolensk real school, from 1907 to 1911, he studied at St. Petersburg University at the beginning on legal, then on the physico-mathematical faculty. Simultaneously, he studied in the studios of the artists Vladimir Kremer, Y. S. Goldblatt, 1908 – L. S. Bakst, M. V. Dobuzhinsky. In 1912-15, he collaborated in the magazines "Argus", "Tops", "Lukomorie", "Sun of Russia". From 1915 he served in aviation and the automotive team in Ligovo. Since 1918 L. lived and worked in Smolensk. Here he combined service, creative and social activities, taught in the proletarian Studio of fine arts, worked on the survey of the estates of the Smolensk region and restoration of the monuments of the city, designed books and magazines publishing houses West of Smolensk region ("Corn of Moscow" N. Lukmanova, the magazine "the Voice"), acted as a critic in the local press (collection "Questions of art"), was the participant of exhibitions of the Smolensk society of artists. With the opening of the theater in Smolensk in 1919, was a leading designer in the city. In 1925-26, he worked on contracts in the theaters of Smolensk, Vitebsk, Voronezh, Kazan, Moscow and others In 1926-59. L. lived and worked in Moscow, collaborated with many of the capital's theaters, including Satire, of course, the Hermitage, Comedy (formerly Korsch). With the latest collaboration was constant and lasted until the dissolution of the theatre in 1932, 1935 cooperates with theatres in the city of Ivanovo. At the same time, working on contracts with the publishing house "Academia", illustrating the works of Russian and Soviet writers, participated in major exhibitions in the country.

Lit.: Rick. The proletarian exhibition // proceedings of the Executive Committee of Council of workers, peasants, and soldiers ' deputies. – Smolensk, 1918, October 22; agate A. the Second exhibition of paintings Smolensky society of artists // Voice. – Minsk, 1919. No. 1; Osokin, V. N. etc. Artists land in Smolensk. L., 1967. – P. 54, 63, 64,70; Rybchenkov B. V. Smolensk/ Smolensk Region, 1992. – No. 1, 3; Popov E. P.: 1) skills // work path, 1983, September 7; 2) anniversary exhibition // work path, 1986, December 6; Peter Z. Lalenkov // Know and love your edge. – Smolensk, 1996. – S. 35.

(the author - E. P. Popov)

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