Grigorievich Frikh-Har

Russia • 1894−1978

Biography and information

Honored. hood. Of the RSFSR (1969). Hood. education is not received, the self-taught. One of the organizers of ORS (1926). In the 1930s performed a series of sculptures on the Konakovo faience factory (Kalinin region.). The genre of easel and monumental sculpture, easel composition "the Funeral of a friend" (1927), small plastic "Georgian chef" (1934), "Pushkin" (1937), sculpture for the "Stakhanovite cotton fields" and "Shepherd" (both 1937), the decorative sculpture for the fountain "Boy with pigeons" (1935), "Aquarium" (1956) and "Chamber" (1962), etc.

He was born in Kutaisi 5 (17) APR 1894 in the family of a small businessman. Mobilized during the First world war, was wounded at Brest and sent for treatment in Samara. In 1918-1921 he fought on the side of the Reds on the Volga and Turkestan fronts. Emerged as an artist on their own; already in 1918 in Samara, sculpted clay figurines. Since 1921 he lived near Moscow, Tomilino, Moscow. Founder and Director of the art laboratory Faience factory named after M. I. Kalinin Konakovo (1934).

His early stuff was born as free improvisations for friends: Poet of the desert (Uzbek) (wood, copper and other material, 1921-1923, Tretyakov gallery). Making career, played a lot of rather boring official things (Portrait of S. Katayama, one of the founders of the Communist party of Japan, a tree, 1925, Museum of revolution, Moscow; a Student Gal, marble, 1949, the state Tretyakov gallery; E. Pugachev during the interrogation, marble, 1954, Historical Museum, Moscow; etc.). However, true authority is gained as a master of decorative sculpture, bright and colorful, its folklore, representing matter how evil the wrong side of social realism ("I couldn't afford the luxury of becoming a serious artist," said the master to end of life). Just organically it's deliberately "naive" art Deco is embodied in ceramic sculpture, which frih-har carried away from the end of 1920-ies. His works were very popular at exhibitions and are well dispersed in circulation copies. Among typical samples of this kind of creativity (porcelain or earthenware) – "anthological" for this era of the Attendant (1934), the Georgian shashlik (1934; it somehow saw the allegorical image of I. V. Stalin), many "doves" (1937-1938), Pencil (artist M. N. Rumyantsev) (1945), Accordion (1947; most of these items are presented in the Museum of ceramics in Kuskovo). Created many models for dishes and large objects for interior decoration (majolica fountain Source in the former Palace of culture and science in Warsaw, 1955).

Applied to different materials. Under the impression a sensational exhibition of Czech glass (1958) actively engaged in the 1960-ies and art glass, working with a plant in Gus-Crystal. Left alive and witty Novel about life and work (published in the exhibition catalogue 1994). Died frih-har in Moscow.

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