Nikolayevich Arshinov

Russia • 1900−1942

Biography and information

B. in Kursk. Received primary education in Sretensky-men's parochial school Kursk (1911). He graduated from the Kursk real school (1918). He served in the red Army on the southern front (1919 - 1920). Studied at faculty of fine arts of Prechistenka practical Institute in Moscow (1921 - 1922). Student artists K. A. Korovin, N. P. Krymov, N. P. Ulyanov. In the fall of 1922, after the closure of the faculty, arrived in VHUTEMAS, where he studied in the Studio of Mashkevich and Zavyalova (1922 - 1923). In 1923 he entered the architectural faculty at the end of which (1929) worked as an architect in Makhachkala in Dagestan, the project design office (1929 - 1931) and in "Promstroyproekt" in Moscow (1931 - 1941). Implemented a number of projects of factory buildings for the bitter, Lugansk and other cities. In 1929, spent his sketches and measurements of the ruins of the buildings of the Kursk Root fair. He worked as a graphic artist and as a painter, created a cycle of illustrations to the poem by A. Blok "the Twelve" (1924); the novel of A. Bely "Petersburg" (1925 - 1927), etc. In late 1936, the work was transferred to the Literary Museum. Pushkin. Participant of the exhibition of the artists of Kursk in Kursk (1926), the exhibition of fine Amateur club Central builders them. Dzerzhinsk and Moscow (1936, 1937) and other exhibitions. Buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.