Ilyich Garkusha

Ukraine • 1918−2004

Biography and information

B. in S. B. Burimka Chernobelskogo district of Cherkasy region of Ukraine. In 1941 graduated from architectural faculty of Kharkiv civil engineering Institute. In Kursk started working since 1948 as the head of APM at UGA. In 1951 he was appointed head of the project office "Cursorrect", converted in 1964 into the Institute "Cursoradapter". In this Institute, he worked until retirement in 1994.

Projects implemented in Kursk: the House on the red square (in collaboration with A. N. Ivanov, 1950 - 1951); building Bipartisanly on the street (in collaboration with A. N. Ivanov, 1953); multistory apartment house on the forecourt (in collaboration with A. N. Ivanov, 1954 and 1955); garden plant KZTZ (in collaboration with A. N. Ivanov - competition project, first prize, 1958); reconstruction and landscaping of the garden. Dzerzhinsky (1960); the house at St. Schepkin, 21 (1969); the hotel "Solovyinaya Roscha" (1969), "House of knowledge" on the street Radishcheva, 35 (co-authored with V. P. by Semenikhina, 1978) and other civil facilities and projects planning and building of residential areas of the city. Projects: reconstruction of the building of the Belgorod regional Committee of the CPSU (1955); the House of political education in Belgorod (1965); the monument to heroes-to sappers in Kursk in Ponyrovskogo district (in co-authorship with the sculptor F. V. Suponeva, 1967); the planning projects of the purification of villages and the Garden district Letters, Sebaceous and Olkhovka the Chomutov district (1968 - 1969); the Museum "the Headquarters of the Central front" in M. Svoboda of Zolotukhinskiy district (in collaboration with I. N. By solinym, 1974); concert hall of the sanatorium "Marino" rylskogo R-na (1975) etc. he is also the author of hotel in the city of Khartsyzsk, projects, planning and development of cities of Khartsyzk and Makiivka in Donetsk region of Ukraine. Contests: "Rural single-family estate type homes" - diploma of the open Republican competition of Kazakh SSR in Alma-ATA (1954); "Border sign on the border of the Kursk region." (Belgorod) - prize in the open city competition (1969 - 1971), a number of other competitions, awarded prizes and recommended for construction. For achievements in the fighting on the fronts of world war II, he was awarded the order of Patriotic war I degree, two orders of the Patriotic war II degree, order of the red Star and nine medals; for labor achievements - the order "badge of Honor" and two medals

{E. V. Kholodov}