A graduate of the Academy of arts in 1804 he Received medals: in 1813 – two 2 silver and 1 silver, in 1815 – 2 gold "project of the building of the Senate"; in the same year, released with a diploma of 1 degree and a sword. In 1820, elected to the "assigned to" "the project of the Cathedral Church". In 1825, the title of academician for the "project of the University on 200 people."
Academician of architecture (1825). Born in D. Jakovlevka Oboyan district of the Kursk province (now - Yakovlevsky district of Belgorod region). The illegitimate son of a serf peasant and landowner Efim Grigorievich Zaplatina. In 1815 E. with high honors graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of arts, which gave him the right to a two-year internship in Europe for the state account. From 1817 he worked in Moscow, and from 1819 - in Nizhny Novgorod, where he soon became lips. architect. E. is the author of a large number of buildings in Saint-Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, in the provincial cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Tver and other cities of Russia.
(E. V. Kholodova)