Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. B. in the village of rodionovka in Krasnodar region. He graduated from the Yelets art school in 1955. Participant of zonal, regional and foreign exhibitions, including two solo exhibitions in Kursk: one lifetime, and one in 1976, organized by the widow of the artist V. M. Pronina, posthumously, in 2001. Major works: "racing" (1964), "portrait of the excavator Khromova M. D." (1969), "the Night watchman" (1973), "Kozlenskaya toy" (1982), "Autumn in the village" (1982), "July motive" (1984). Works are in the Kursk regional art gallery named after A. A. Deineka, the Directorate of art exhibitions of the artists Union of Russia, in private collections in Germany and France.