Dmitrievich Tuzlukov

Russia • 1909−1974

Biography and information

1909 was Born in Kursk.

1930's Working in the Studio art education of children in Moscow. At the all-Union state Institute of cinematography.

The mid-1930s Visits the all-Union state Institute of cinematography on the rights of the volunteer.

1935-1974 Chief artist of the Central puppet theatre in Moscow. Together with S. a Model creates a stylistic concept of the theatre, takes the posters for theater productions.

1937-Participant of exhibitions.

1944-1949 Teaches Courses Directors and artists of puppet theater.

1955 Awarded the title of Honored art worker of the RSFSR.

Died 1974 in Moscow.

[5(18).V.1909 - 3.X.1974]

B. in Kursk, in the family of the railway. A strong impression on the future artist made the shadow performances that showed his grandmother, a real theatre, circus, silent films, classic literature. While still in Junior high, So loved to paint theatrical scenery and costumes of the actors. As a young man he organized an Amateur theatre, becoming the classics: Ostrovsky, Moliere, Shakespeare. Like many young people, that have sinned poetry. His poetry is filled with revolutionary and romantic fervor, frequently published in the "Kursk truth", and later entered the literary and art collection of the Kursk Association of proletarian writers "the Fourth band", published in 1929. For this collection was the artwork. The basics of the fine arts he had learned in the classroom in a circle at the railway club, and General education - 38-th school, from which he graduated in 1928. In 1931 T. arrives in Moscow visited the Institute of cinematography lectures by luminaries of Russian cinema: Eisenstein, Kuleshov, Romm, perfected in the painting. After a while he gets the staff education of the Bauman district of the capital, and in the spring of 1935, an event occurred that determined the fate of T: the organizer and Director of the puppet theatre of S. V. Obraztsov invited him to the position of the artist. The Union of these outstanding creative personalities proved to be extremely fruitful. During the work at the theatre So issued 24 show. His first work here was the scenery for the staging of the play "Jim and Dollar". Most fully the artist's talent is revealed when he began to create and scenery, and puppets. For the first time he did it in 1940 for "Aladdin's Magic lamp". Immediately before the war the theatre began to embody on the stage the tale of Karlo gotstsi "the King Stag". The terrible events pushed the Prime Minister, made only in the summer of 1943 in Novosibirsk. From the original intention to convey the content of the play in a semi-ironic plan had to be abandoned. During the war more relevant was the theme of loyalty and love. So it was decided the play "the King Stag". So also known as a playwright, the author of the play "My, my!.." (1958) - sharp parody of Western detective. He was one of the founders of the puppet film "heavenly creatures". Fine examples of poster art are made So the posters for the performances, very expressive and beautiful in its brevity. Of the productions furnished by him in the last years of his life, the most significant of the "divine Comedy", "Noah's ark", "go-GO", has long occupied pride of place in the repertoire. Dolls and sketches of scenery, Etc was successfully demonstrated at exhibitions in Belgium, Italy, Canada, France, Czechoslovakia and Japan, and some of them are found in museums in our country and abroad.

(N. F. Shakhov)

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