A member of the Union of architects (1963). B. in Kursk. He graduated from the architectural faculty of Kharkov Institute of civil engineering (1957). From 1957 to 1964 he worked in the Urals (Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk), from 1964 to 1971 in Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine). The chief architect of the city of Kursk (1971 - 1979). The chief architect of the design Department of the Institute "Giproshaht", Kursk (1979 - 1980). The architect of the capital construction Department of the internal Affairs of Kursk (1979 - 1983). The head of the group pre-project design Institute "Agropromproekt" in Kursk (1983 - 1990). Architect, Creative architectural workshop "Kurskmakaronprom" (1990 - 1994). Currently in retirement.
The author of many public buildings, monuments, small architectural forms and planning project areas in Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk, Kiev and cities in Kustanai oblast. One of the authors of the obelisk (in collaboration with the architect V. P. by Semenihina and sculptor M. A. by Kuzovlev), established in 1974 on Union street at the entrance to Kursk from Voronezh. The obelisk built in honor of the heroic pilots of the 16th air army, fought at Kursk, under the command of Lieutenant-General of aviation S. I. Rudnev; the author of the dispensary plant "Khimvolokno" in the city of Kursk (1992), the building of the savings Bank in ponyri R. p. (1993), etc. Canvases H., recreating urban landscapes of the ancient Kursk 17 - 18th centuries, have been exhibited at Kursk and regional art exhibitions.