Semenovich Torkhov

Russia • born in 1930

Biography and information

Honored artist of Russia.

Born October 10, 1930 in the village of Verkh-Coeval the Kemerovo region.

He studied at the Republican art school, Tashkent.

Painter. Works in the genre of thematic landscape and portrait.

A participant of regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union, foreign and international exhibitions since 1959.

In the Museum of the city of Ulgii (Mongolia) in 2000, opened a personal art gallery of 50 paintings. Honored worker of culture of Mongolia, Honorary citizen of Bayan-Ulgii aimag and city Olgia. The government of Mongolia awarded the Order "polar star".

He has government awards of the USSR and Russia.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1970.

Major works:

"When the lights blossom" 1969 (GHMC),

"Kok-Sumer" 1978 (Art Museum of Krasnoyarsk),

"The Gobi's song" 1984 (Museum of Art, Tomsk),

"An evening in Bayan-Nur" 1987 (the Union of artists of Russia, Moscow),

"Summer on Indictable" 1984 (Ministry of culture Moscow),

"Portrait of Sultana" 1998 (national gallery. Ulan Bator),

"A night in the Gobi", 1982.

Honored art. Of Russia, member of artists Union of Russia (1970). B. in 1930, in Mountain Shoria, Kemerovo region. Studied at the Tashkent art. school. From 1958 he lives and works in Barnaul. Participates in regional, Sib., Rep., All., Zaruba. exhibitions. Has a number of solo exhibitions, including in Moscow (1975, 1994), Mongolia (1979, 1994, 1995). Made a great contribution to the establishment of the cult. and creative. contacts with Mongolia.

For many years the head of the Altai branch of the Soviet-Mongolian friendship, making together the public and artists of both countries. Awarded the medal "nayramdal" (Friendship), esteem. worker of culture of Mongolia, honor. citizen Bayan-Ulgii aimag. Works in the genre of themed slots. landscape and portrait. Main theme-the Altai and Mongolia. Painting Torhova is characterized by a sonority and a rich stew of color, decorative, lyric-romant. and the monument. orientation. Most famous work: "When the lights blossom" (1969), "breeders" (1972), "Altyn-Kel" (1975), "Morning star" (1984), "the Gobi desert" (1984), "Portrait of a veteran of Khalkhin Gol" (1987), "a Night in Bayan-ur" (1988), "After the rain" (1990), "portrait of a Lama" (1997).

(author - T. M. Stepanskaya)

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