Mikhailovich Sapegin

Russia • 1895−1953

In 1926 he graduated from the Repin Institute of art (studied under F. F. Fedorovsky). In the same year began to work as a theater artist (ballet "Scheherazade", a Large t-R). Art S. has a broad range. He created a tragic, mean, geometrically scribe marking of theatre. space is the scenery for "the Death of Tarelkin" Sukhovo-Kobylin (1926, Zamoskvoretskaya t-R). The irony was imbued with the scenery back to "Wedding of Figaro" Mozart (1926, Experimental t-p). Traditions of Nar. the creativity used by the artist working on "the Toupee artist" Shishova (1929, Large t-R). The tragic-farcical character of the scenery for the play "As the 14th division in Paradise was" D. Poor (1932, Music hall). Theatre. work with distinguished craftsmanship of the mount design.

Among the others works: "Valkyrie" by Wagner (1925, in a Large t-re), "a Profitable post" (1946, T-R them. Lesia Ukrainka, Kyiv), "guilty Without guilt" (1947, Kiev, t-R them.

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