Gave part of their work to the Museum of the city of Suvorov (Tula region)
Born in 1938 in the city of Astrakhan.
In 1955, he enrolled in the Astrakhan pedagogical Institute. Since 1958, attended classes at the art Studio at the artists ' Union of the city of Astrakhan. In 1960 he graduated from the Astrakhan pedagogical Institute, specialty: teacher of Russian language and literature, English language. In the same year graduated from the Studio of fine arts "with honors" and received a Certificate of the artist-teacher with the right to work in clubs and Palaces of culture.
First performed at the regional exhibition in 1958 with the painting "Night" and "Flowers". Awarded a diploma. In 1961 participated in the national, and in 1967 the all-Union exhibition of Amateur artists in Moscow. Since 1967 is the constant participant of exhibitions of professional artists in Astrakhan region. He was the chair of the academic part of high school № 46, Astrakhan, he taught drawing in the English language.
Since 1970 worked in the children's art school in Astrakhan, a senior teacher of history of fine arts, drawing, painting, composition. Personal exhibition in the city of Frunze 1983, 1986, 1988 and 1990. Awarded with Diplomas of the Union of artists of Kyrgyzstan and Diplomas of the Ministry of education of Kyrgyzstan. Awarded a badge "excellent worker of education of the Kyrgyz SSR" in 1983, the badge excellent worker of Education of the USSR" in 1986, in 1987 was awarded the title of Teacher-Methodist".
In 1986, through the "society of friendship with foreign countries in the delegation of Kyrgyzstan visited Czechoslovakia. The result of this trip was the exhibition "Czechoslovakia", exhibited in the House of friendship with foreign countries" in the city of Frunze.
In 1989, Mamaev I. A. as part of the delegation of the friendship Society visited the USA, where he held exhibitions of his work in the cities of Charlotte and Knoxville. In the city of Knoxville received the title of "Honorary citizen of the United States." As a result of this visit was exchange of children's drawings with the States of Tennessee, North Carolina, Vermont, Mississippi (USA).
In 1991 he participated in the IX all-Union exhibition of watercolors in Moscow.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union moved to Russia and since 1993 has lived in p. Providence Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
Solo exhibition Mamaeva I. A. was held in the Providence district Palace of culture in 1994. In 1995 he exhibited at the Providence Museum. In 1998 at Providence regional Museum hosted a jubilee (60th anniversary of birth and 40th anniversary of creative activity) exhibition Mamaeva I. A.
1998, March - "regional exhibition, Chukotka and the beginning of Russia".
1998, April - "the Bay of Providence - through the eyes of artists", of the Chukotka Autonomous district, County Museum.
1999 - personal exhibition in TsKID G. Suvorov.
2000 - personal exhibition in the Suvorov Museum.