Pavlovich Rybakov

Russia • born in 1944

Biography and information

Thesis in the CVC - a series of easel illustrations based on the satirical writings of E. Rotterdam "the Praise of folly", the rating is good. The training took place in the graphical Department. Qualified graphic artist.

Born in the city of Yaroslavl.

In 1964 he Graduated from the Yaroslavl art school.

1974 Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture im. I. E. Repin.

1974-1976 Artist Smolensk artistic production workshops of the artists Fund of the RSFSR.

1976-1984 Lecturer, children's art school in Smolensk.

1983 Member of the artists Union of USSR (since 1991 - member of Union of artists of Russia).

1987-1989 member of the Board of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

1993-1998 Lecturer College of Smolensk state Institute of arts.

1998 to present creative work.


Since 1974, the participant of regional art exhibitions.

1975 all-Union exhibition of diploma works of students of art universities in Leningrad and Moscow.

1976 Republican exhibition "Youth of Russia", Moscow.

1977 Exhibition "Young charts of the Smolensk", the publishing house of the Komsomol "Young guard", Moscow.

1981 national exhibition "In his native country", Moscow.

1983 the Republican exhibition "On the native country", Moscow.

1985 VI zone exhibition "Painters of non-Chernozem zone", Kostroma.

1987 Exhibition of Smolensk charts in Poland.

Exhibition of works of Smolensk charts in Germany.

1988 Group exhibition, Yaroslavl.

1991 inter-Republican exhibition "Monuments of the Fatherland in the works of artists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus", in Smolensk, Minsk.

1992 Exhibition of works of the creative group Union of artists of the RSFSR "In the land of Smolensk", Smolensk.

1993 Personal exhibition, Smolensk, Exhibition hall of the Museum-reserve.

1994 Exhibition of Smolensk painters in Moscow, Central house of artists.

Group exhibition "4", Bryansk.

1997 Art exhibition "Russian woman of the twentieth century", Moscow.

1998 Group exhibition "Space in the works of the artists of Smolensk", Smolensk, the Museum of flax.

Art exhibition "Monuments of Smolensk region", Moscow.

1999 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the administration of the Smolensk region.

2000 international exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).

Works of the artist are in the collection of the Museum-apartment of A. S. Pushkin in St. Petersburg, the museums of the cities of Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Kansk, as well as in private collections in Russia, Germany, France, Poland. Works are in the Picture gallery Krasnoarmeysk.