Alexeyevich Olenin

Russia • 1795−1868

Biography and information

Major General, artist, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. P. A. Olenin was born in 1795, and in 1807 entered the military service and in the composition of the Semenov regiment participated in the war and been in many major battles; among other things, in 1813, with the rank of Lieutenant Olenin was aide gr. Stroganov, in 1819, with the rank of captain Konovnitsyn's adjutant. In 1824 with the rank of Colonel was in the Corps of engineers of ways of communication as adjutant of chief superintendent, and in 1830 was commander of a brigade of the military work of the battalion of Communications; in 1833 he retired with the rank of major-General. The rest of his life were spent mainly at his estate in Tver province and scan. in 1808 in the village of Pruteni. P. A. Olenin was, incidentally, not a bad portrait painter; of his works the most famous being the portrait of the fabulist Krylov. Archive Of Department Of Heraldry Of The Governing Senate. "Archive Brulevich", SPb. 1900, p. 187. {The Cumans}