Petrovich Tumanov

Russia • born in 1938

Works are in the Picture gallery Krasnoarmeysk.

Laureate of Lenin Komsomol Altai.

Born November 25, 1938 in the village of Butyrki in Ivanovo region.

He graduated from the Ivanovo art College.

Schedule. Works in the genre of thematic landscape and portrait.

Since 1959, the participant of zonal, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions, including:

All-Union exhibition of young artists, 1962, Moscow,

"Soviet artists to children", 1962, Moscow,

"We are building BAM", 1979, Ulan-Ude,

6 all-Union exhibition of prints, 1982, Moscow,

III all-Russian exhibition of prints, 1984, Moscow,

international exhibition "Graphics of Siberia" 1974, France,

"Soviet Russia" and others.

A member of the Union of Russian artists since 1964.

Major works:

"Nurse" linocut,

"Rush", etching, 1981;

"September" Etching, 1981, TG,

Okolitsa etching, 1985,

"April" etching, 1985.

Works are in state Tretyakov gallery, the National gallery, Ulan Bator, GHMC, in art galleries Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk.

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