He was born in Pskov. Primary education received in a parochial school, then studied at the Drawing-technical classes in pogankiny Palaty specialty of the painter-draughtsman, and here became interested in photography.
In the first years of Soviet power in Pskov was established the provincial Committee on protection of monuments of art, antiquities, folk life and nature, where he began working I. N. Larionov. From December 1918 he began to cooperate with the Pskov museums involved in the collection of art treasures, lectures, conducted tours. April 1, 1921, with the direct participation Larionov was opened the Provincial art gallery. He also headed it until 1938, when was appointed Deputy Director for research of the State Museum. In addition, in 1920-e years, the city existed Pskov society of artists, among whose founders were the painter Ivan Larionov.
Before the war the Pskov Museum was one of the richest in the number of exhibits and their artistic and scientific value. At the same time, Larionov was involved in the creation of the seven local museums. During the great Patriotic war was able to evacuate only a small part of the collection. After the war, Ivan returned to his hometown, where he took an active part in the work of the State Extraordinary Commission to investigate Nazi crimes. In the period of post-war revival of the Museum Larionov worked as the Deputy Director for scientific research, headed the Commission on restoration.
In August 1946 he was awarded the medal "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945". In 1955 Larionov headed the Museum. Along with organizational work, he was engaged in research activities and has published more than 30 books. Among them "Architecture of Pskov", "the legends of lake Peipus, and Pskov region", "pogankiny chamber" and others. In 1968 he was awarded the title "Honored worker of culture of the RSFSR", and in 1972 – the title of "Honorary citizen of the city of Pskov".